Is Your Event Going to Be Held in Chicago? — Book Christine Corelli and Get RESULTS

What You Want and Need From Your Speaker

Whether you are seeking a motivational keynote speaker, a sales speaker, leadership, speaker, or customer service speaker you want and need:

  • To Receive VALUE from your investment of time and money
  • To be cost-effective (Booking a speaker who is based in the city where you will hold your event is a smart move.)
  • To have your audience RAVE about speaker you have chosen, and the event, itself
  • RESULTS – A Positive Impact with the outcome you want and need

Your Ideal Chicago-Based Keynote Speaker is a MASTER

Today’s audiences are better educated, are more business-savvy, and have high expectations. They also have low attention spans. Undoubtedly, you have seen many people texting and reading their e-mails during a presentation. Based on the feedback we have received from a multitude of clients, we believe the ideal keynote speaker for your Chicago event is a master in ten key areas…

  1. Designing and delivering a customized presentation with the right blend of  ideas, information, motivation, and humor. (Yes! Humor. People are stressed. They need to laugh.)
  2. Weaving your meeting theme throughout your keynote presentation, workshop, or training program.
  3. Researching your industry, business, and competitors in order to “internalize” the challenges your team is facing.
  4. “Driving-home” the main message you want your team to hear.
  5. Obtaining audience interaction with groups of all sizes.
  6. Thinking on their feet.
  7. Energizing, and challenging people to take action.
  8. Giving people a new outlook on their jobs, businesses, and lives.
  9. Inspires people to reach their full potential – professionally and personally.
  10. Versatile

These are 10 key factors that make a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, or trainer great! But what about the personal side? What’s it like to work with them? (Let us know if we’ve missed anything –

Selecting the RIGHT Chicago-Based Keynote Speaker – Qualities to Look For

Whether you need a motivational, sales, customer service, or leadership keynote speaker your job will be easier, your level of stress will be lower, and your level of confidence will much higher if your speaker has the following qualities:

  •  Credibility – Highly experienced, with published testimonials that rave about them
  •  Low maintenance, humble, easy to work with – “It’s not about them. It’s about YOU and your audience, and getting results.”
  •  Interpersonal skills – Is likeable and can relate to the audience
  •  Organized – pays attention to detail
  •  Considerate – Keeps you informed so you don’t have to worry about how they are progressing with your program development – They text you the moment their plane lands to let you know they have arrived, and finds you when they arrive at your venue
  •  Punctual -Arrives 90 minutes before their presentation start to time test the AV
  •  Helpful – Helps you in every aspect of your event

Watch Christine bring audiences to their feet



Christine Corelli is Chicago-based keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, columnist, author, and highly successful businesswoman. For as long as she can remember, she has been passionate about personal and professional development.

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Christine Tells it Like it Is “What’s the kiss of death? Doing things the same way you’ve always done them. It’s time to kill the Status …

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Join smart executives, managers and professionals all across the country and benefit from Christine’s invaluable insight. Purchase copies for your …

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As a motivator and educator, Christine is second to none.

chrysler2 E Paglia – Chrysler Group LLC

Christine was the hit of our conference and received outstanding evaluations.

United-Van-Lines-logo L Aikley – United Van Lines